15a["Nor'-West Coastal Mail", The Northern Times (Carnarvon, WA), Saturday 15 December 1906, page 3]


PERTH, December 10.

The Postal Department has accepted the tender of the Adelaide Steamship Co. for the conveyance of mails by steamer to the Nor'-West for a period of three years from February 28, 1907. The amount of the annual subsidy is £4,000. The conditions of the contract are: From Fremantle to Derby and back twice every sixty days via Geraldton, Sharks Bay (Freshwater Camp or Cape Lesaeur), Carnarvon, Onslow, Cossack, Port Hedland, and Broome. The steamer is to remain at Derby not less than 24 hours. From Derby to Wyndham and back the service is to be once every sixty days, the steamer to remain at Wyndham not less than 24 hoars. In the event of a separate steamship being provided to perform the service snch steamship shall be timed to connect with the service between Fremantle and the east. The company reserves the right to reduce by one voyage the nnmber of voyages to be performed under the contract between the months of March and November and to increase by one voyage the number of voyages to be performed under the contract between the months of December and March in any year during the currency of the contract.

15b[Minutes of Adelaide Steamship Company directors' meeting, Wednesday 12 December 1906, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, 0186/Z535 Box 12]


North West Mail Contract. General Manager's telegram of the 7th inst. advising acceptance of our tender for 3 years. Read.
