13["Strike on the Koombana", The Hedland Advocate (Port Hedland, WA), Saturday 18 November 1911, p?]

Strike on the Koombana

Perth, November 13.

The s.s. Koombana is hung up at Fremantle. Thirty seamen and firemen gave 24 hours' notice on the Adelaide Steamship Company of their intention to discontinue the work until the chief steward was removed from ship, on account of complaints regarding the food.

The men [have been] urged and implored by the executive of the Firemen and Seamen's Union in the Eastern States to resume work pending investigation.

It is feared the action would have a prejudicial effect in the proceedings before the Federal Arbitration Court.

November 14.

The Koombana men are still determined, although their demand is generally considered unreasonable.