15["Koombana Strike", The Hedland Advocate (Port Hedland, WA), Saturday 02 December 1911, p?]
Koombana Strike
This unfortunate strike has resulted in supplies being short from Onslow to Wyndham, and that phase of the question alone is not likely to redound to the credit of the men. Apart from the pros and cons of the men's grievances over the food supplied them, it must be apparent to all well-wishers of the Labor party that the task of Labor ministers and others will not benefit by tactics of the kind the Koombana men have been guilty of: the Labor members of parliament for W.A. (Federal and State) asked these men to go back to work and allow their grievances to be investigated, but they refused to do so unless the chief steward was removed. No class of employer (even with the strongest sympathies for Labor) will submit to the principle involved in the attitude adopted by these men, and we are pleased to see that the union executive in the Eastern States has repudiated the action of the Koombana men.