17a["The Koombana Firemen", The West Australian, Saturday 25 November 1911, page 11]



As a result of further negotiations yesterday between the Adelaide Steamship Company and the representatives of the Firemen and Seamen's Union, a definite understanding has been arrived at regarding the manning of the Nor'-West steamer Koombana with a crew of firemen. Yesterday morning, Mr. W. E. Moxon, the general manager of the Adelaide Company in this State, interviewed a number of the recalcitrant firemen and urged them to take a more reasonable view of their position. He pointed out that his company could under no circumstances lend itself to an act of injustice to one of its employees, and that it would amount to an act of persecution to dismiss the chief steward of the Koombana without an inquiry being held into the complaints made against him. The fact that the men were flouting the instructions of the executive officers of their own union was also impressed upon them, and they were further asked to consider the harm they were inflicting on the residents of the Nor'-West. The men, however, refused to sign on, and the five or six firemen who earlier in the week announced their willingness to proceed in the vessel, also withdrew their pledge. At the request of Senator Guthrie, the general secretary of the Firemen and Seamen's Union in Melbourne, Mr. Moxon decided to make no further overtures to the men. Senator Guthrie wired to Mr. Moxon that a fresh crew of 16 men, accompanied by two executive officers, were leaving Melbourne that afternoon by express train to catch the Riverina at Adelaide. The new crew are coming over at the expense of the union, and should reach Fremantle on Wednesday evening next.

A regrettable incident occurred yesterday, when Mr. Johnson, the chief steward of the Koombana, as a result no doubt of the worry and strain of the past week or two, collapsed in the Adelaide Steamship Company's office, and had to be removed to a private hospital. On inquiry, last night Mr. Johnson was reported to be progressing fairly well, but it may be some days before he will be able to resume duty.




Melbourne, Nov. 24. After delivering his proposed award in the claim brought by the Federated Seamen's Union against The Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association, the President of the Federal Arbtlration Court (Mr. Justice Higgins) referred to the position of affairs which has arisen in connection with the steamer Koombana. His Honour said:--I have indicated the kind of award which I propose to make, but I have not made it yet. There has come to my knowledge officially a curious position in connection with some members of this union in Fremantle. I understand that, in spite of the warnings and remonstrances of the executive of the union, the steamer Koombana has practically been boycotted by the firemen at Fremantle because of some objection which the men have to the chief steward. The owners are willing to inquire into the matter if the men will only go on working. The detention of the ship is serious, especially as the owners are under contract to carry mails. It cannot be said that the men have struck. Those who left the ship did so after due notice and those who were brought down to fill their places have not, I understand, signed the articles. But there is an agreement in existence. It is not made under the auspices of the Court, and its faulty framework may be the cause of some misapprehension. It is pleasing to find that there has been no case yet of any breach of an award of this Court, but surely it is not for the public interest that I should make an award in favour of a union which, by its disobedient members, is breaking a collective agreement. I am at present inclined to think that, even after an award has been made, the Court has power to vary an award by striking out in whole or part, the relief already to a union if it appears that members of the union, although taking the benefit of the award, are not prepared to take up the burden also. I shall have this case put down for Thursday, but if the trouble be not over by that time I must consider what I should do. I had hoped to make the in creased wages apply to December work, but I shall certainly not do so in the present position of the Koombana.

17b["Koombana Strike", The Hedland Advocate (Port Hedland, WA), Saturday 02 December 1911, p?]

The Koombana Strike

Perth, November 23.

There are no noteworthy developments in connection with the Koombana dispute.

Three more men have been secured for the stoke-hold, which brings the firemen up to seven, exclusive of two who are absent without leave. Seven more men are still required.

It is anticipated that finality will be reached today, and a definite announcement of time of departure made tomorrow.

Perth, November 24.

The Koombana is still short of firemen, and is berthed at the river buoy.

A telegram has been received from the General Secretary of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union in the Eastern States t the effect that a number of firemen are arriving by the mail steamer on Monday, and that they are being sent at the expense of the Union.

Men Still Refuse To Work

Persecution of Chief Steward

Who Collapses

Perth, November 26.

The General Manager in this State of the Adelaide Steamship Coy. yesterday urged the recalcitrant firemen off the Koombana to take a more reasonable view of the position.

He pointed out that the dismissal of the Chief Steward without inquiring into the complaints against him would be persecution.

The facts that the men were flouting the instructions of their own union and were inflicting harm on the residents of the North West were also impressed upon them.

They still refused to sign on, and the six firemen who were willing to proceed with the vessel earlier in the week also withdrew their pledge.

The Chief Steward (Johnson) collapsed in the Adelaide Steamship Coy.'s office, and was removed to a private hospital.

Men Engaged In Melbourne

Accompanied by Union Officials

Perth, November 28.

The Adelaide Steamship Coy. has received a telegram intimating that a full compliment[sic] of firemen have been engaged in Melbourne to man the Koombana. They left Adelaide by the Riverina, accompanied by two representatives of the executive of the Union, to see that no hitch occurs with the men after reaching Fremantle.

In consequence of the action, it now appears there is no doubt of the Koombana leaving for the North West on Thursday.

The Vessel Leaves

Perth, November 30.

There has been a satisfactory termination to the Koombana trouble, permitting the vessel to sail to-day.

The new crew (in charge of the executive officers of the Seamen's and Fremen's[sic] Union) arrived by the Riverina last night, and immediately signed on.

The Chief Steward, who was suddenly seized with illness, has sufficiently recovered to proceed with the vessel.

Premier Suggests Go-Ment Action

Perth, November 30.

In the Legislative Assembly yesterday Premier Scaddan said, in reply to representations from the members for Gascoyne and Roebourne regarding the seriousness of the position affecting the North West, said the Government has placed the matter before the Commonwealth Government and the parties concerned with a view to the immediate despatch of a government steamer with stores and mails in the event of the difficulty with the Koombana not being settled.

"People Be Brought To Their Senses"

Perth, November 30.

At the quarterly meeting of the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce the President drew attention to the position of consignors and consignees in connection with the Koombana trouble, and stated that the hardships imposed on account of the vessel's enforced stay in port was regarded by some as "good biz.," inasmuch as people would be brought to their senses and Parliament induced to provide better legislation to deal with such matters.

This motion was carried:--

"That unless the Koombana sails on Thursday a deputation from this Chamber wait on the Premier and urge him to take action in the interests of humanity."