26a["The Koombana", The Hedland Advocate (Port Hedland, WA), Saturday 02 December 1911, p?]

The Koombana

Left Fremantle on Thursday morning for the Nor'-West. She is on her Wyndham trip, and will reach Hedland on her southern journey on the 21st, departing for Fremantle on the 22nd.

Official timetable:

Arrive Hedland 8th Dec., depart 9th (north), arrive Hedland (from north) 21st, depart 22nd, arrive Fremantle 28th.

26b[Minutes of Adelaide Steamship Company directors' meeting, Monday 04 December 1911, Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, 0186/Z535 Box 12]


s.s. "Koombana" Strike of Firemen at Fremantle

Secretary reported that firemen sent over to Fremantle by the "Riverina" had joined "Koombana" and vessel sailed for North West Ports in Thursday morning last.

