Davey, William Libby

[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 02 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, 0186/N46/634]

Fremantle-Broome Davies W.J. [blank]

["The Passengers", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]




Mr. W. J. Davies.

[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 12 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. provided to the author by the late Malcolm Barker]

List of passengers known to have been bound for Broome.

From Fremantle


Davies, W.J. Booked from Perth Office.


[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 04 June 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. Broome Historical Society]


From Fremantle to Broome or Derby



Davis (Davey) W.T. Brother to Mrs. Norgard, Ellen Street, Fremantle.

Wife at 188 Hay Street, Perth.

Baker, A. Connection of Mr H.T. Jackman, 30 Princes


Martin, G. Fred ) Son of Arthur Martin of Vanbrugh Hill, East

) Greenwich

Hurford W.H. )


Green, Edgar p. ) Late of Somerset, England. Death notice of

) Olive Feddes.

These three men together with Davey and Baker were engaged by W.P. Milne

to work for his Department.


["The Passengers", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]



Mr. W. L. Davey.

Mr. A. Baker.

Mr. G. Martin.

Mr. H. Hurford.

Mr. E. Green.


["No Tidings", The West Australian, Monday 01 April 1912, page 7]


It is understood that amongst the passengers on the Koombana, in addition to those already mentioned are Mr. J. Murphy (bound for Broome) and a Mr. Drake. It has also been stated that "W. Davis" was amongst those on board. It now transpires that the name should be "W. L. Davey.".

["Story of the Koombana", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), Sunday 31 March 1912, page 12]


Mr. W. P. Milne, of the Public Works Department, was proceeding to Derby with a gang of five men - W. Davis, A. Baker, G. Martin, H. Hereford and E. Green - to carry out some works up north.


["Some Of The Passengers", Broome Chronicle (WA), Saturday 06 April, 1912]


Mr. Milne, of the Public Works Department, was preceeding to Derby with a gang of five men, Messrs. Davis, Baker, Martin, Hereford and Green.


["Deaths", The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 27 April 1912, page 18]

DAVEY.--Lost in the wreck of S.S. Koombana, on north-west coast of Western Australia, on the 21st March 1912, William Libby, youngest son of the late John Davey and step-son of the late Richard Sloggett, of Nairne, South Australia.

[Wreck of the "Koombana" - photocopy of material relating to, Harbour and Lights Department, Western Australia, 1912, State Records Office of Western Australia. Series 1618, Cons 5055, Item 001, Letter from H. S. Parker (brother-in-law of Koombana passenger William Davey) to C. A. Munt, Undersecretary for Public Works, Western Australia, 17 June 1912]

35 Wellington St Perth

17 . 6 . 12

Mr Munt

Under Secretary

Public Works


On behalf of my sister Mrs W. L. Davey wife of the late W. L. Davey who was one of Mr Milne's party, who were lost on the ill fated "Koombana" I beg to make application for any allowance the Department may see fit to make. I would like to bring under your notice the fact that the late W. L. Davey was for some (20) twenty months on boring opperations[sic] in the Nor West with Mr Milne prior to November of last year, he was in Perth for a holiday & was travelling back to his work under half pay, for the Department, at the time of the sad loss of the "Koombana."

I remain Sir

Yours respectfully

[signed] H. S. Parker

[written below, in different hand...]

4 Months Married

About £30 from Friendly Socy Adelaide

" £30 cash


Light work

AB notes:

Davey was married.

[Wreck of the "Koombana" - photocopy of material relating to, Harbour and Lights Department, Western Australia, 1912, State Records Office of Western Australia. Series 1618, Cons 5055, Item 001, Letter from C. A. Munt, Undersecretary for Public Works, to H. S. Parker, brother-in-law of Koombana passenger William Davey, 01 July 1912]

1st. July, 1912.


In reply to your letter of 17th. ult.

written on behalf of Mrs. Davey, wife of W.L. Davey,

who was lost when the "Koombana" went down, I have

to advise that the matter of granting a

Compassionate Allowance is at present receiving

consideration by the Hon. premier.

I should, however, be glad if you could

call and see me.

I have the honor to be,


Your obedient servant,

(signed) C.A. Munt

Under Secretary for Public Works.

Mr. H. S. Parker,

35, Wellington Street,

P E R T H.



Topic: drowned on SS Koombana

My relative William Libby Davey born 15th December 1873 at Nairne, South Australia, drowned when the Koombana sank. He was aged 39 years. Husband of Julia Parker. Son of John Davey & Elizabeth Hoskin Libby.

by Julie Lehmann Mon Nov 02 22:55:14 UTC 2009