Davies, Robert W.
[SS "Koombana": list of crew as per copy of Articles at shipping office, Fremantle, Adelaide Steamship Company, April 1912. provided to the author by Jean Northover, City Beach, Western Australia]
R. Davies, second grade steward 21 Bootle
["Story of the Koombana", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), Sunday 31 March 1912, page 12]
P. Farrance, A. Deeham, C. H. Benedict, Edward Wardlaw, J. Hughes, J. Blades, A. Salkild, S. W. Reynolds, F. J. Winpenny, Wm. Dick, James Crosbie, Wm. Cant, R. Davies, W. Burkin, H. Smith and P. Finnerty, stewards.
["Officers and Crew", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), Sunday 31 March 1912, page 1]
Several stewards, whose names appear on the articles of the Koombana, may not have joined the vessel. Captain Smith, the Port shipping master, asks that in this event the men who did not go should notify him.
["The Crew", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]
The following is the complete crew which left with the vessel, according to the records in the Adelaide Co.'s office:--
P. Farrance, A. Deerham, C. H. Benedicte, E. Wardlaw, J. Hughes, J. Blades, A. Salkild, S. W. Reynolds, F. J. Winpenny, Wm. Dick, James Crosbie, Wm. Cant, R. Davis, W. Burkin, H. Smith, and P. Finnerty, stewards.
["The Koombana", The West Australian, Friday 12 April 1912, page 7]
The following official list of the names of the crew who signed on the s.s. Koombana's articles and who were supposed to have gone in the vessel is supplied by the Shipping Master of Fremantle (Captain T. W. Smith). The age, birthplace, and capacity of each member is given:--
Evan Davies, 31, Lancashire, scullion;
R. Davies, 21, Bootle, Liverpool, assistant steward;
[Research file "s.s. Koombana", 1973-. Department of Maritime Archeology, Western Australian Museum, 189/73/4]
Email from Jane Burke jburke@rockyview.ab.ca 15 Nov 1998 with thanks for info sent by Susan Cox. She begins:
"Thank you so much for the information regarding the Koombana. This is the most information we have ever had on this tragedy. My relatives were members of the crew, their names E. (Evan) Davies, and and[sic] R. (Robert) Davies. Note the spelling on the crew list is incorrect, R. Davis should be R. Davies. I am attempting to get a copy of the newspaper report to send to you for your files, that tell about the death of these two men. They were apparently working aboard the Koombana in an attempt to earn money to help out their parents. They were from a family of 15 children. Robert was I believe 18 and Evan 31."
2005-06-06. Author emailed Jane Burke. No reply, apparently. The email address was probably obsolete.
[...a liverpool newspaper, I will need to get details...]
Koombana Disaster.
Memorial Service at Bootle Welsh Church.
A Farewell Message.
A special service was held at the Merton-road Free Welsh Church on Sunday evening in memory of the Bootle victims of the Koombana disaster, Robert William and Evan Davies, who were members of the church, with which the bereaved parents are also associated. The service was conducted partly in English and partly in Welsh, and was of an impressive character.
The sermon was preached by the Rev. W. O. Jones, B.A., on the text "Behold I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in peace, neither shall thine eyes see all the evil that I will bring upon this place, and upon the inhabitants of the same. So they brought the king word again." (II. Chron. xxxiv., 28). He said they all deplored the death of the two brothers who were friends of many of them. He believed them to be two young men of Christian aspirations, and of excellent moral character, and from whom great things were expected. But instead, they had been called to higher service. They were respected and beloved by a large number of members of their church, and he took it that the silent testimony of their presence that evening to the endeared memories of the brothers was a token of their sincere sympathy with the breeaved family. They realised the sorrow of the aged parents who were dependent on their two sons. He asked them not to mourn as those without hope because these calamities had a deeper meaning. They had every reason to believe that their two young friends had passed into the Kingdom of Glory, and when the sea gave up its dead, they would meet in the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Mr. J. J. Owen said that Mr. and Mrs. Davies and family had their heartfelt sympathy in their trouble. They had had several memorial services at that church, but none that affected them so directly as this terrible marine disaster, taking from their midst two members of their own congregation. Both Evan and Robert Davies went to Australia with a good purpose--to maintain their parents--and it was deeply to be regretted that the career of two such promising men, for whom they held great hopes, should have had such and abrupt ending.
Mr. John Jones said he was acquainted with the young brother Robert, who for two years before he went to sea was a member of his Sunday School class. He read the following letter which he had received from him before he went away on his fateful voyage:-- "I regret to state I shall not be in Sunday School next Sunday, or for a good many more Sundays to come. I am about to try my luck in Australia, if I can succeed there, and by God's help I will. Remember me to my class at Sunday School. Good-bye."
The hymns "Shall we meet" and "Eternal father", of which Evan Davies was most fond, were sung during the service, which concluded with the Dead March in "Saul,"
[another article, another paper...]
The Koombana Victims
The accompanying photographs are those of the two Bootle brothers, Robert William and Evan Davies, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Davies, 17 Benedict-street, who lost their lives through the foundering of the s.s. Koombana during a terrific cyclone off the North West Coast of Australia, when 130 souls were lost.
<<>> \Images\ChapterSelections\IllFatedComplement\RobertDavies.gif
Robert Davies, aged 18 years.
This photograph is from a group taken of his school class seven years ago.
<<>> \Images\ChapterSelections\IllFatedComplement\EvanDavies.gif
Evan Davies, aged 31 years.
We understand that on Sunday evening a memorial service in English will be held in the Merton-road Welsh Free Church, when several prominent gentlemen will take part.
[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]
my images 915 & 916
17 Benedict St
Bootle Liverpool
19th Aug. 12
I have been in
communication with the
[unclear] of the Adelaide S.S.
Co. re the loss of my
sons Evan and Robt. W. Davies
[unclear] the "Koombana" of their
[unclear]. They have
informed me that their
wages due to them has
been forwarded to you.
I shall esteem it a
favour if you will forward
the money direct to me
through the "Board
of Trade", London.
It occurs to me that
you might have advised
me of the loss of my
two sons, instead of
allowing me after weary
weeks of silence to
alight upon the news
by mere chance.
Trusting to your courtesy
to acknowledge this letter
at the earliest date, as I
am in dire need of the
money. I may mention
I was. along with their
aged mother solely
dependent on my two
poor boys.
Again thanking
I am, Sir,
Yours respectfully
David Davies
The Shipping Master,
W. Australia
[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]
my image 914
30th. September
Mr. David Davies,
17, Benedict Street,
Bootle, LIVERPOOL, Eng.
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter of the 19th August
last and in reply have to state that the balance of wages due
to your two late sons has been forwarded to the Accountant
General, Board of Trade, London.
Evan Davies £4/ 8/ -
Rbt. Wm. " £3/ 4/ -
£7/ 12/ -
In reference to advising you of the loss of your
two sons, this I am sorry I was unable to do as neither left
their home address in this office, giving a local address only.
Had they given their home address I should certainly have
advised you and I very much regret that you would have learned
the news merely by accident.
Yours faithfully,
[file copy unsigned]
[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]
my image 913
A short-run proforma with the name R W Davies inserted...
Shipping Master's Office,
FREMANTLE. 4/10/12
I have ascertained from the Manager of the
Savings Bank that the late ...... R W Davies .....
has money to his credit at the Savings Bank, Perth.
I do not know whether you have been previously
advised by the Curator of Intestate Estates, if not it will
be necessary for you to apply to that officer, or the
Manager of the Savings Bank, supplying him with a birth
certificate or other evidence to substantiate your claim
to this money.
Yours faithfully,
[Wreck of the "Koombana" - photocopy of material relating to, Harbour and Lights Department, Western Australia, 1912, State Records Office of Western Australia. Series 1618, Cons. 5055, Item 001, see Koombana Relief Fund correspondence]
[reference to urgency of Davies case in cablegram from london]