Gilham, Mrs F.
[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 12 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. provided to the author by the late Malcolm Barker]
List of passengers known to have been bound for Broome.
From Fremantle
Gilliam Mrs. F. Wife of Warder at Broome Gaol. Refer to Mrs.
Bernard Woodward of Museum, Perth.
Gilliam Miss Daughter of above.
[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 02 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, 0186/N46/634]
Fremantle-Broome Gilliam Mrs ) In the employ of the Gaols Dept.
Gilliam Miss ) refer to Mr. Bernard Woodward.
["The Passengers", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]
Mrs. Gilliam.
Miss Gilliam.
["The Koombana", The West Australian, Saturday 30 March 1912, page 11]
Other corrections in the list published in yesterday's issue are:--W. Hereford, to read W. Hurford; F. Rustle, to read Corporal Buttle; H. S. Taylor, to read A. S. Taylor, these being passengers for Derby; Mrs. and Miss Gillam, for Broome, to read Mrs. and Miss Gilliam, who were booked on behalf of the Gaol Department;...
["Broome in Mourning", The Hedland Advocate (Port Hedland, WA), Saturday 06 April 1912, page 8]
Broome, April 4.
Broome has been in mourning over the dreadful news received of wreckage being found from the Koombana. A number clung till the last to hope, but this news has dispelled all hope.
There are some exceptionally sad cases of persons with those near and dear to them on board.
Geo. Gillam, married some months ago, wife and daughter (about 22 years of age).
["No News of the Koombana", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), March 31, 1912]
The following are amendments to Koombana's passenger list, published in another column:- W. Hereford to read W. Hurford; F. Rustle to read Corporal Buttle; H. S. Taylor to read A. S. Taylor, these being passengers for Derby; Mrs. and Miss Gilliam for Broome, to read Mrs. and Miss Gilliam, who were booked on behalf of the Gaol Department; and Rev. Maine to read Mr. R. W. Main."
[Wreck of S.S. "KOOMBANA". Information re., Gaols Department, Western Australia, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, Series 3054 Cons. 968, Item 1912/2217, Correspondence regarding Koombana passengers Corporal Frank Buttle and the wife and daughter of gaol warder George Gilham]
25th. April, 1912.
Acting Under Secretary.
I beg to acknowledge the
receipt of your Circular, 1839/1912, dated 24th.
instant, with regard to the wreck of the S.S."Koombana"
I regret having to inform
you that FRANK TAYLOR BUTTLE, the Police Gaoler at
Derby, was proceeding to that place to resume his
duties when the catastrophe occurred. He had been
in the department for two years and one month, and
was in receipt of an allowance of £10.0.0 per an-
num, - £5.0.0 of which was paid by the Police De-
partment. His late private address was
23 Vincent Street,
I may also mention that Warder
George Gilham, of Broome Gaol, had, unfortunately,
his wife and daughter on the boat, who were pro-
ceeding to Broome with the object of joining him.
Mr. Gilham has been nine years and seven months
with the Department: present salary, £150.0.0 and
District Allowance £45.0.0. per annum and his pri-
vate address is in Broome.
Deputy Comptroller General.