Hurford, William Henry

[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 02 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. Noel Butlin Archives Centre, Australian National University, 0186/N46/634]

Fremantle-Derby Hurford W. ) Men travelling with Mr. W.P. Milne to

) work for the Public Works Department

[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 04 June 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. Broome Historical Society]


From Fremantle to Broome or Derby



Davis (Davey) W.T. Brother to Mrs. Norgard, Ellen Street, Fremantle.

Wife at 188 Hay Street, Perth.

Baker, A. Connection of Mr H.T. Jackman, 30 Princes


Martin, G. Fred ) Son of Arthur Martin of Vanbrugh Hill, East

) Greenwich

Hurford W.H. )


Green, Edgar p. ) Late of Somerset, England. Death notice of

) Olive Feddes.

These three men together with Davey and Baker were engaged by W.P. Milne

to work for his Department.


["The Koombana", The West Australian, Saturday 30 March 1912, page 11]




Other corrections in the list published in yesterday's issue are:--W. Hereford, to read W. Hurford;...

["Story of the Koombana", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), Sunday 31 March 1912, page 12]


Mr. W. P. Milne, of the Public Works Department, was proceeding to Derby with a gang of five men - W. Davis, A. Baker, G. Martin, H. Hereford and E. Green - to carry out some works up north.


["Some Of The Passengers", Broome Chronicle (WA), Saturday 06 April, 1912]


Mr. Milne, of the Public Works Department, was preceeding to Derby with a gang of five men, Messrs. Davis, Baker, Martin, Hereford and Green.


["The Passengers", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]



Mr. W. L. Davey.

Mr. A. Baker.

Mr. G. Martin.

Mr. H. Hurford.

Mr. E. Green.


["Deaths", The West Australian, Thursday 23 May 1912, page 1]


HURFORD.-In loving memory of our dear son and brother, William Henry Hurford, late of Llanelly, Victoria, Australia, who was lost on the s.s. Koombana, March 20, 1912.

Deeply mourned.
