Ireland, Wallace Bruce
[Passenger list, "KOOMBANA" 37, compiled 12 April 1912, Adelaide Steamship Company. provided to the author by the late Malcolm Barker]
List of passengers known to have been bound for Broome.
From Fremantle
Ireland, Wallace Bruce * Passage worker, escorted by J. Caskell, late
Caretaker, Fremantle Office. Enquirer Mrs.
I.V. Gorman, Wigram Street, Granville, N.S.W.
Note * signifies that the person indicated is supposed to have booked ahead.
[Barker, Malcolm, 2001, The Truth Is So Precious, Success Print, Perth, Western Australia, page51]
Thomas Spedding went on board, and asked the Chief Steward, Mr Johnson, for a place as crew in the hope of joining his friend, William Ireland already engaged to work his passage to Broome. Thomas was refused and Ireland asked him to go to Broome as a passenger. Spedding thought about it, and then refused in favour of taking the Koombana's next trip. He said goodbye promising to see his friend in about six week's time.
AB notes:
No mention of Ireland on this published crew list, but Ireland was not regular crew; he was working his passage.