Tutt, Walter

[SS "Koombana": list of crew as per copy of Articles at shipping office, Fremantle, Adelaide Steamship Company, April 1912. provided to the author by Jean Northover, City Beach, Western Australia]



Walter Tutt, chief cook 41 Dover


["Story of the Koombana", The Sunday Times (Perth, WA), Sunday 31 March 1912, page 12]

"Walter Tutt, chief cook"

["The Crew", The West Australian, Wednesday 03 April 1912, page 7]

The following is the complete crew which left with the vessel, according to the records in the Adelaide Co.'s office:--


Walter Tutt, chief cook; H. Stanberg, second cook; G. Jones, third cook; J. Jackson, kitchenman; A. G. Deller, baker; C. Walker, butcher; E. Davies, scullion;


["The Koombana", The West Australian, Friday 12 April 1912, page 7]


The following official list of the names of the crew who signed on the s.s. Koombana's articles and who were supposed to have gone in the vessel is supplied by the Shipping Master of Fremantle (Captain T. W. Smith). The age, birthplace, and capacity of each member is given:--


Walter Tutt, 41, Dover, chief cook;


[Agreement and Account of Crew, s.s. Koombana, August 1911 - March 1912, Harbour and Lights Department, Western Australia. State Records Office of Western Australia, Consignment 1056 Item 301]

The register indicates that Walter Tutt joined Koombana from Innamincka for Trip #35, January 1912.

[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]

[img 487]

19 Mary St

Hobart 19/4/1912

The Shipping Master

Adelaide S.A.

Dear Sir,

I have under my care two boys whose

father Walter Tutt was Chief Cook of the illfated

Koombana. They are now orphans and

and my object in addressing you is to inquire

whether there will be any benefit in the

way or Insurance or compensation that may

be payable on behalf of their late father.

If so I shall be glad to hear from

you on the matter as the two boys are

absolutely penniless. If you could advise

me in the matter in any way I shall

esteem it a great favor.

Awaiting your early reply

I remain

Yours faithfully,

Annie Worbey


[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]

[img 488]

S O U T H A U S T R A L I A.



29TH April, 1912.


Herewith please find a letter received from a Mrs. A.

Worbey which speaks for itself. I have advised the lady of my send

ing you the letter.

I have the honor to be


Your obediant servant,

[R ? Smith I think]

Superintendent Mercantile Marine

The Shipping Master,

F R E M A N T L E.

[Wreck of the KOOMBANA - letters re men's estates, Correspondence between the office of the Chief Harbourmaster, Fremantle, and the families of lost crewmembers, Harbour and Lights Department, 1912. State Records Office of Western Australia, AN16/5 Cons 1056 Item 062]

[img 503]

19 Mary Street


29th May 1912

Dear Sir

I have to acknowledge receipt of

your letter of the 17th Instant contents of

which are noted. In compliance with

your request I am forwarding you the

Birth Certificates of the two boys, but iff

you require further proof of identity

I could furnish you with a Statutory

declaration if necessary.

Awaiting your reply

I am

Yours faithfully,

[signature and address in Annie's own hand]

Annie Worbey

19 Mary Street

Hobart Tas.

G. J. Sinclair Esq

Shipping Master
