Aarons, Maurice Lewis303
Aborigines, Australian
administrative changes, 1908101
arrests for cattle-killing42, 96–98
Bibbulmun tribes94
Christian marriages90
court appearances98
Darlot killings107–108
ethnological studies106–111
exploitation of87
first contact with Nor’-West settlers34
in pastoral industries275
infanticide, reports of90
isolation hospitals31, 103–106, 111–112
Maamba reserve94
message sticks111
mobility and spread of disease103
neck chains and other restraints42, 46, 97–112
Njul Njul tribe91
not seafarers126
royal commission, 1904-595–99
rules of intermarriage107
transfer of prisoners by steamer100–101, 230
Yindjibarndi dialect124
Adelaide Steamship Company
acquisition of Claud Hamilton141
announcement, loss of Koombana203
arrival of Koombana1
decision to build Koombana7–12
instructions to masters47
Koombana inquiry236–238, 240–248
Marloo fatality, 1896172–174
Nor’-West demise283–285
Adelaide, South Australia213, 217
Admiralty Gulf, Western Australia
shown on map51
Agnes, schooner123
Airey, Captain J. J.197
Albany, steamship
conversion from Claud Hamilton, 1885141
narrow escape, 1897137–142
narrow escape, 1898142
narrow escape, 1899142–143
Alcock, W. W.280–281
Alert, tug71
Alexander Stephen & Sons, shipbuilders11–12, 59, 237, 261
Allen, Marmion165
Allen, Sarah165
Allen, Seaborn Robert Cottrell165
Allen, Thomas Maurice
and Koombana passengers227–228
as Port Adelaide pilot174–175
at sea from age fourteen165–166
cautious commander246
Cuzco disablement, 1878166–167
delivery command, Echunga176–177
delivery command, Junee176
early career progression169
events of March 20th, 1912179–186, 236, 243, 247–248, 250
exchange of ships with John Rees72, 177
experience with sail and steam170
finding of culpable negligence, 1897171–174
first command170
gold prospecting170–171
Koombana inquiry finding242
master of Koombana, 1911–12177–179, 246–247
royal visit, 1900174–175
Allen, Thomas, Senior165
Allinga, steamship283–285
Alto, topsail schooner307–308
Amalgamated Wireless Australasia (A.W.A.)85
Amphinome Shoals, Western Australia43, 188
Amsterdam and St Paul (islands)65
Amy, schooner36
Anchor Islandsee Bessieres Island
Andersen, C., Koombana fireman212
Andriassen, Christian, second mate, Crown of England157
ants, flying51
Arafura, pearling lugger221
Arago, Jacques Etienne Victor25
Ararat, Victoria301
Armadale, Western Australia225
armistice, 1919278
Arrow, James Grant210
Ascot Station53
Ashburton River, Western Australia32–33, 110, 123, 127, 137, 249, 263–265, 276
shown on map33
Assam, steamship169
Atkinson family, Carnarvon30
Augustine, tender aboard Cleopatra307–308
Aurora, pearling lugger244
Australasian United Steam Navigation Company189
Australasian Wireless Limited85
Australian Government
Court of Conciliation and Arbitration114–116, 118–120
Excise Tariff (Agricultural Machinery) Act 1906115
Australian Labor Party115–118
Australian Seamen’s Award, 1911118–120, 213
Australian Workers’ Union224, 251–252
Australind, steamship127
Aylward, James Thomas (Jim)253–254, 257–258
Bailey, C. A., lost with Koombana226
Bailey, Garnet Sydney227
Baker, A., Koombana passenger226
Balla Balla, Western Australia
cyclone, April 1898157
loading of copper ore149
shown on map150
Ballarat, Victoria172
Baltic, White Star liner75
Bamford, Frederick William (Fred)269–270, 274
Banger, William70
Banningarra Creek, Western Australia244
baobab tree49
Barclay Curle & Company, shipbuilders59
Bardwell, Bernard322
Barker, Walter
“Alien Influx” editorials41–42
and Koombana inquiry241–242, 248
on Aborigines and the legal system42
on Koombana firemen’s strike117–118
on the fate of Koombana250
on “the native question”87
praise of Koombana39
recollections of March 20th, 1912180, 246–247
zealous defence of Port Hedland39, 42
Barlee, Frederick Palgrave122
Barrambi, Western Australia107
Barrow Island, Western Australia103–104, 196
Barry, Thomas225
basic wagesee Harvester Judgment
Batavia, port189
Bates, Daisy May87–89, 91–95, 106–111
Bates, H., Koombana passenger225
Batty, Mrs, ‘lock hospital’ cook31
Beadon Point, Western Australia264–265
Beagle Bay, Western Australia
shown on map51
Beagle, steamship131–132
Bedford, Admiral Sir Frederick317
Bedout Island, Western Australia
confused with Bezout Island244–245
dangerous turning point185–186, 188, 196–197
focus of Koombana search188, 195–196
south-western reef188
unattended light44, 195, 198, 204–206, 250
Belfast, Ireland217–218
Bell, sailing ship221
Benedict, Claude H. (Bennie)215
Berkshire, England223
Bernier Island, Western Australia30–31, 103–105, 109–110
shown on map29
Bessieres Island, Western Australia137
Bezout Island, Western Australia245–246
Bin Ahmat, Malay crewman of Clara159, 162
Binning, Thomas Henry226
Binns, Jack74–75
Bird Island, near Cape Town67
Birt, William Radcliff146
“Bishop’s Ghost”see Davis, Abraham de Vahl
Black Nymph, sailing ship145
“Black Paddy”, boxer229
Black, Neil, Junior63
Black, William Patrick218
Blackwell, Francis172–174
Blades, John Stephen (Jack)215
Blue Funnel Line187
Blue Star Line277
Blythe, Joseph, Senior223
Board of Trade, London
Bonaparte Archipelago, Western Australia
shown on map51
Bournemouth, England215
Bow, Florence214
Bow, Harold (Harry)214
Bragg, Professor William61
Brandt-Rantzausee Rantzau
Briden, Annie229–230
Briden, Elizabeth (Dollie)230
Briden, Harry229–230
Briden, Harry, Junior (Otto)230
Briden, Mollie230
Bridgetown, Western Australia224
Brighton, England214–215
Bristol, England212–214
Britannia, pearling lugger159, 163
British Empire278
Brockman, John124–125
Brooking Creek Station223
Broome, Sir Frederick Napier27
Broome, Western Australia
and White Australia policy269, 283
charity of Father Nicholas Emo89–90
cyclone, November 1910160
Davis residence “De Vahl”293–294, 300, 303
English pearl divers, 1912270–273, 297
ethnic mix44
illicit pearl trade308, 311–312, 323–324
Japanese quarter296
Mark Liebglid murder306, 308–311
Pearlers’ Association133–134
pearling industry221
Quarter Sessions, June 1909323–324
role of citizens in Koombana search187–189, 195–196
ships left stranded by tide65–66, 215
susceptibility to cyclones132–135
water supply226–227
winter pearling season219
Brown, Alfred Radcliffesee Radcliffe-Brown
Bryant, Albert Edward212
Buccaneer Archipelago, Western Australia
shown on map51
Bullarra, steamship
arrival in Western Australia, 1900146
at Port Hedland, March 20th, 1912179–182
discovery of Koombana wreckage203
Nor’-West service 1913–15284–285
replaced by Koombana7
role in Koombana search190, 195–196, 202–203
storm at sea, March 1912160–162, 187, 190, 239–240, 258–259
stranded by tide at Broome45
transport of Aboriginal prisoners42
Bunbury, Western Australia129
Buninyong, steamship171
Burkin, George215
Burkin, William H.211, 215–217
Burns, Tommy, Canadian boxer79–80
Burnside, Robert Bruce315–316
Burrows, Walter217
Burrumbeet, steamship57
Burt, Octavio101
Butcher Inlet, Western Australia34, 130–132
Buttle, Minnie227
Buttle, Police Corporal Frank Taylor227, 274
Byrne, Police Sergeant John309
Báthory, Stefan, King of Poland 1576–86287
Cable Beach, Western Australia134
Cairns, Queensland273
Cambridge Gulf, Western Australia
shown on map51
Camden Sound, Western Australia
shown on map51
Canadian Pacific Line82
Cane, Fred229
Cant, Frederick William217
Cape Agulhas, South Africa63
Cape Bossut, Western Australia
Cape Bougainville, Western Australia
shown on map51
Cape Bowling Green, Queensland71
Cape Cuvier, Western Australia
shown on map29
Cape Inscription, Western Australia
shown on map29
Cape Keraudren, Western Australia126, 184
Cape Latouche Treville, Western Australia271
Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia167
Cape Leveque, Western Australia46
Cape Levillain, Western Australia13
shown on map29
Cape Londonderry, Western Australia
shown on map51
Cape Northumberland, South Australia165
Cape Peron, Western Australia
shown on map29
Cape Verde Islands221
Cape Voltaire, Western Australia
shown on map51
capital punishment316–319
Cappelli, Lawrence253–259
Carlos, George155
Carnarvon, Western Australia
and Koombana search189
annual race meeting109
Carnarvon Hotel fire, 1913262–263
“Coffee Pot” locomotive28
drought 1911–14261–263
flood, January 190929–30
irrigation farming261–262
rat plague262–263
shown on map29
wealth from wool28
Carton, William214
Catechism of the Law of Storms (Macnab)146, 193–194
Catholic Church
Pope Leo XIII115
Rerum Novarum, encyclical, 1891115
Trappist missionaries88–93
Cattellini, Franksee Cappelli, Lawrence
Celezis, Con155
Challenor, Captain John245–246
Chandros, Dimitris155
Charles Moore & Company31
Charon, steamship41, 65, 268, 300
“Cheriton” estate, Gingin223
Chislehurst, Kent, England215
Christie, Arthur Mowbray210
Church of England
Bishop of the North-West287, 303
Churchill, Winston75–76
City of Benares, ship166
City of Madras, ship166
City of Ningpo, ship166
Clan McIntyre, steamship59
Clapham, England215
Clara, pearling lugger159
Clark, James, pearler221
Clarke, Bert181–182
Clarke, Elizabeth225
Clarke, Henry14–15, 22–23, 238–239
Clarke, James William, shearer225
Clarke, James, agent for ‘Singapore line’189
Clarke, Thomas (Tommy)244
Clarke, William Job212–213
Claud Hamilton, sail-rigged steamship141
Cleopatra, pearling lugger307–308
Clinch, Eliza222–223
Clinch, Frederick W. B. (Fred)222–223, 274
Clinton, Peter C. (Petie)214
Clydebank shipyards59
‘cock-eyed bob’, whirlwind195
Collier Bay, Western Australia
shown on map51
Collins, W. E. (Algy)187, 191–193, 199–200
Colonial Secretary of Western Australia
1855–1875see Barlee, Frederick Palgrave
1902–1904see Kingsmill, Walter
1904–1905see Taylor, George
1906–1911see Connolly, James Daniel
1911–1916see Drew, John
Commonwealth Steamship Owners’ Association114, 116, 118–119
Concordia, iron barque149, 152, 155–156
Condon, Western Australia
cyclone of 1896129–130
demise of43–44
jetty planned but not built43
Tiffany’s Jetty130
Traini’s Condon Hotel129–130
Congo Free State73
Congregational church21
Connolly, James Daniel
defence of ‘lock hospitals’104
inspection of ‘lock hospitals’104–106
‘lock hospital’ repatriations111
Nor’-West tour, 191037, 101–102
Connor Doherty Durack & Company276
Connor, Frank276–277
Connor, Tom173–174
Conrad, Joseph, novelist139–140, 146–147
Constance, pearling lugger187
Contest, barque165
Coolgurra Creek, Western Australia124–125
Coorong, steamship174
Copley, S. W.277
copper mining149
Coppin, Chris126–127
Cork, Ireland212
coronial inquest
Mark Liebglid, Broome, 1904311–312, 315–316
Thomas Blackwell (Marloo passenger), 1897172–174
Thomas Darlington, Whim Creek, 1911257–258
Cossack, Western Australia
Asian population266–267
devastating cyclone, April 1898142
government buildings36
naming and renaming of35
Paxton’s boarding house132
pearling industry301
settlement of121
Tee & Company132
town wharf36
tramway spur line265–267
Weld Hotel130–132
Coughlan, John Francis (Jackie)211
Court of Marine Inquiry
Koombana grounding, 190957–58
Koombana reef strike, 190957–58
loss of Koombana, 1912235–250
Cowain, William Laughton224
Cox, Captain, Tottenham64
Craigie, James S.223
Crimean War165
Crippen, Cora (a.k.a. Belle Elmore)82–83
Crippen, Hawley Harvey82–83
Crosbie, James (Jim)217
Crotty, Master Thomas Charles227–228
Crown of England, iron barque
brief history149
destruction of, March 1912152–155
burial of the dead158
survival of Martin Olsen154
survival of Matthias Holst154
Croydon, steamship131
Crozet Islands65
Cue, Western Australia225–226
Cuney, William Waring81
Cussen, Melbourne magistrate302–303
Cuzco, barque-rigged passenger steamer166–169
Barbados, 1831144
Shark Bay, 1839121
Roebourne, 1872121–123
Exmouth Gulf, 1875123
Mary Ann Patch, 1881124–125
Eighty Mile Beach, 1887126–127
Onslow to Bunbury, 1893127–129
Condon, 1896129–130
Cossack, 1898130–132, 142, 157
Broome, April 1908132–133
Broome, December 1908133
Onslow, April 190933–34
Broome, November 1910134–135, 160
“Koombana Blow”, March 1912149–163, 184, 187, 191, 194, 200, 205, 239–240
as fact of Nor’-West life160
characteristics of121, 123, 127, 133
damage to infrastructure163, 187
etymology of “willy-willy”123–124
first-hand accounts of122–125
formation and development of184
turbidity of sea after200
Daglish, Henry94–95
Dalton (or D’Alton), Ernest James225
Dalwallinu, Western Australia225
Dalziel, Captain Oswald C.188, 196, 202–203, 205–206
Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia196
Darlington, Thomas253–259
Darlot, Western Australia107–108
Darwin, Northern Territory277
Davey, William Libby226
Davies, Evan218–219
Davis, Abraham de Vahl
aboard Koombana, March 1912220
and the roseate pearl305, 322–325
Jewish faith288–289, 291, 297–298, 302
letters to mark son’s bar mitzvah297–299
on value of pearls315
origin of name “de Vahl”288
part-time rabbi293
partnership with Mark Rubin291–292, 294, 297
pearl buying expertise297, 302
president of congregation289, 291
protection of reputation323–324
views on pearling industry295–297
will and estate302–303
Davis, Cecily (née Altson)288–289, 292–293, 297, 299–303
Davis, Dorothy293
Davis, Gerald de Vahl289, 297–299
Davis, Moses De Vahl, born 1856288
Davis, Moses De Vahl, born 1895288
Davis, Rachel288–289
Davis, Woolf288–289
Day, J., second officer, Tottenham64
Daylesford, Victoria208
De Beers, diamond mining315
De Forest Company73
De Grey River, Western Australia
shown on map33
Dean, Simon K.323–324
Deller, Albert Ernest218
Denham Sound, Western Australia
shown on map29
Denham, Western Australia
navigation channel13–14
absence of deepwater jetty28
first impressions of27
stench of ‘pogey’26
disembarkation of passengers14
shown on map29
Dent Island, Queensland71
Depuch Island, Western Australia
cyclone, February 191170
cyclone, March 1912149–163, 194, 259
squall, February 191066
Derby, Western Australia
description of49
engagement with Koombana274–275
extreme tides65–66
meat processing works50
royal commission hearings, 190496–98
shown on map185
d’Espeissis, Adrian261–262
Devil’s Island, French Guiana289
Dew, Walter82–83
Dick, William C.215
Dirk Hartog Island, Western Australia25, 128
shown on map29
disablement at sea
Cuzco, 1878166–169
Waikato, 189963
Blackwater fever51–52
Dixon, Sir Raylton176
Dona Matilda, pearling lugger244
Doorawarrah, Western Australia263
Dorre Island, Western Australia30–31, 104–106
shown on map29
Dorset, England214
Dove, Heinrich William146
Dowley, Edward Poor, Fremantle Magistrate114, 235, 240
Downie, Joseph212–213
Doyle, James229
Drake, Alfred224
Dreyfus, Captain Alfred289–291
drought, Nor’-West, 1911–14261–265, 267–269, 275–276
Drummond, Jim224
Drysdale River, Western Australia90
Dundee, Scotland212
Dungarvan, Ireland214
Durham, Henry214–215
Dwyer, Jack (“Jockey Jack”)224
Dwyer, Michael (Jack)214
East London, South Africa62–64
East Moore Island, Western Australia159
shown on map150
Eastern Extension Telegraph Company187
Echunga, cargo steamship176–177, 209
Egg Island Bay, Western Australia27
Eighty Mile Beach, Western Australia
cyclone, April 1908132–133
cyclone, December 1908133
cyclone, March 1887126–127
search for Koombana along188
track of cyclone, March 1912184
Elder Shenton & Company222
Ellery, James H.39
Ellies, Thomas Bastian (“T.B.”)320–322, 324–325
Elsie, pearling lugger244
Emma, schooner121
Emo, Father Nicholas Maria89–93
Encounter, H.M.S.213
Enterprise, schooner153
Eos, pearling lugger221
Eriksen, Captain O. E.152
Escape Pass, Western Australia47
shown on map47
Espada, Simeon306, 309–312, 317–319
Esterhazy, Major Ferdinand289
Ethel, schooner124
ethnic groupssee nationalities
Eurus, pearling lugger271
Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia31, 123, 127, 137
Experience, pearling lugger293
Farnell, Farnell213
Farnell, William Alexander213
Farrance, Percy215
Farrow, George225
Faure, Félix, President of France 1895–99290
Fawcett Storey, P.67
Federated Seamen’s Union of Australia114–120, 213
Ferret, steamship215
Finnerty, P., Koombana steward217
fire extinguisher, Clayton’s system68–69
Firth, Captain F.60–61
fish and fishing13, 17–18, 20, 70, 105–106
Fisher, Balla Balla beachcomber159–160
Fisk, Ernest Thomas76–78, 81–82, 84–86
Fitzpatrick, W., Koombana fireman212–213
Fitzroy River, Western Australia275
shown on map51
Fleet Street, London80
Fletcher, Constable Bertram Henry229
Flinders, steamship128–129
Florence Hadley Harvey, cutter127
Florida, Lloyd Italiano liner75
Florizel, seal-hunting steamer77
Forestier Bay, Western Australia
shown on map150
Forrest Emanuel & Company221–222
Forrest, David249
Forrest, John (later Sir John)44, 93, 165, 269–270
Forrest, Thomas (Tom)223
Forte, H.M.S., cruiser61
Fortescue River, Western Australia123–124
shown on map33
Foss, Charles, Carnarvon Magistrate27, 263
‘Dreyfus affair’289–291
Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère)257, 259
Franck, Captain307
Fraser, Malcolm, W.A. Registrar-General93–94
Fraser, Sir Malcolm127
Free Welsh Church215
Freer, Anastasia211
Fremantle, Western Australia
arrival of Koombana, February 19091
arrival of Otranto, July 191076
Castlemaine Brewery67
Comet Skating Rink229
Emerald Isle Hotel165
English divers, February 1912220–221
Fire Brigade68–70
Fremantle Gaol317–319
Koombana firemen’s strike, 1911113–120
Liveringa shearers, March 1912224–225
planned wireless station84
police court113–114
reception for Bullarra, 1900146
Smith’s Railway Hotel214
storm, February 1893128–129
Waratah bottle hoax67
Furlong, G., Koombana fireman212
Gainsburg, H.218
Gala, Silber307–308
Gantheaume Point, Western Australia55–56, 58
Gascoyne River, Western Australia
drought 1911–14262
shown on map29
vast catchment30
Gee, Gordon Alan214
Gem, small steamer169
Geographe Channel, Western Australia
shown on map29
Geraldton, Western Australia
port facilities57
rowing club219
Liveringa shearers, March 1912225–226
anxiety for Koombana192
announcement, loss of Koombana203
Gibney, Bishop Matthew87–93, 95
Gilbert, Mr, Koombana passenger229
Gilham, George227
Gilham, Miss, Koombana passenger227, 274
Gilham, Mrs, Koombana passenger227, 274
Gillen, Francis James106
Gillies, Kitty209
Gilruth, Dr John Anderson277
Gingin, Western Australia223
Koombana crew26, 212, 214, 217, 302
Robert Guthrie116
Glenbank, iron barque70–71, 160
Glenrowan, Victoria88
Goddard, Thomas (Tom)225
“Gogo”see Margaret Downs Station
Gooch, George223
Gorgon, steamship
role in Koombana search187, 189, 191, 199–203
discovery of Koombana wreckage199–201, 267
popularity after Koombana284
Gothic, Aberdeen liner214
Government of Victoria63
Government of Western Australia
changes of government94–95
Chief Protector of Aborigines99–100, 104
Colonial Secretary’s Office101, 104, 111
Comptroller-General of Prisons101
Public Works Department226–227, 266–268, 278
Scaddan Labor ministry 1911–16117–118, 264–268, 276–282
Governor of Western Australia
1869–1875see Weld, Sir Frederick Aloysius
1883–1890see Broome, Sir Frederick Napier
1903–1909see Bedford, Admiral Sir Frederick
1909–1913see Strickland, Sir Gerald
Grant, Thomas Millar217
Grantala, steamship11, 84, 158, 208
Great Fish River, South Africa62–63
Green, Edgar P.226
Greenwich, England226
Gregory, Ancell Clement133
Gregory, Francis Thomas34–35
Gron, Hans, steward, Crown of England157–158
Gron, Karl, cabin boy, Crown of England156
Growden, Frederick Henry (Fred)159–160, 162, 252, 254–258
Guelph, Union-Castle liner59
Gulf of Carpentaria221
Gunn, Murdoch209
Gunning, Fred213
Guthrie, Robert Storrie116–117, 120
Hadley Pass, Western Australia
shown on map47
Hagen, Charles306, 309–310, 312, 316–318
Haile, Harry255
Hall, Captain, Black Nymph145
Hall-Russell Line62
Hamelin Pool, Western Australia128
Hamilton, John, Queensland politician95–96
Harding River, Western Australia35, 130–131
Hare, Frederick Arthur99
Harper Brothers, pearlers219
Harper, George N.188, 219, 302
Harper, Hugo188, 195, 202, 219, 302
Harper, Norman219
Harrington, England214
Harris, Francis Hedley208
Hartel, H., Koombana passenger229
‘Harvester Judgment’116
Hassan, Malay pearl diver221
Hattrick, Jack299–302
Hayes, James223
Hayman, Herbert Henry255
Haynes, J. H.127
Haynes, Richard317
Hedditch family230
Heffernan, M.213–214
Heirisson Flat, Shark Bay13–14
“Henrietta”, skipper of The Shark109–110
Henry, Robert225
Herbert, Fred213
Herd Island65
Higgins, Henry Bourne114–116, 118–119
Hill, Ernestine305–307, 313–314, 319
Hill, Thomas James151–152, 156–158, 254, 259
Hobart, Tasmania165
Hogan, Melbourne solicitor302–303
Hogg Island, southern Indian Ocean65
Holmes, Joseph J.280
Holst, Matthias154
Hong Kong145
Houlahan, police sergeant173–174
Howitt, Alfred William106
Huddart-Parker Line57
Hughes, J. (Harry)215
Hughes, Lawrence82
Hughes, William Morris (Billy)85
Hunt, Charles Cooke34
Hunter, Edmund Harold (Ted)187
Hurford, William Henry226
Hurrell, Captain P. C.70–71, 197
hurricanessee cyclones
Idriess, Ion L. (“Jack”)
fact and fiction305, 319–320, 322–323
Forty Fathoms Deep306–307, 311–312, 319–322
in Broome, 1933305–306, 320–322
Over The Range320
popularity of books305
travelling writer305–307
Ilbery, Captain Joshua59
beef cattle8–9, 50–51, 219, 221–222
copper mining149
Innes, William Booth (Jock)209
Insizwa, Hall-Russell liner62–63, 69
Ireland, Wallace Bruce229
Irvine, Captain Charles
career and retirement249
inquiry, Koombana grounding, 190958
inquiry, Koombana reef strike, 190958
role in Koombana search188–189, 196
inquiry, loss of Koombana, 1912235–236, 241, 249
opinion of Koombana249
Irvine, Claude249
Isdell River, Western Australia96
Jackson, John, Koombana crewman218
Jamieson, Norman C.208
Jarman Island, Western Australia34
Jarman, Captain John T.34
Jeffries, James J., boxer78, 80–81
Jenkins, Peter214
Jenkins, Robert Henry (Rob)222, 274
Jessie, schooner126–127
John Sanderson & Company, Melbourne62
Johnson, Francis William (Frank)113–114, 118, 210–211
Johnson, John Arthur (Jack), boxer78–81
Johnson, Joseph Madison221
Johnson, William (Bill)262
Jones, David, shearer226
Jones, G., Koombana cook218
Jones, William, Koombana cook218
Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Western Australia
shown on map51
‘Dreyfus affair’289–291
East Melbourne congregation289, 291
emphasis on education288
‘one-day King of Poland’287–288
respect for lineage288–289
traditions and observance297–298
Émile Zola and “J’Accuse...!”290–291
Junee, cattle steamer176, 212, 214
Kader, Abdul42
Kalander Bux, schooner133
Kalgoorlie, Western Australia217, 223
Kanowna, steamship299
Karrakatta, pearling lugger159, 163
Karrakatta, steamship89
Kate Carney Island, Western Australia124
Kate, pearling lugger124–125
Katola, Antle70–71
Katzenellenbogen, Saul287–288
Kay, Alexander Patrick258
Kearns, John217
Keenan, Norbert257–259
Kelly, Edward (Ned)88
Kelly, Walter John209–210
Kendall, Captain Henry George82
Kerguelen Island65
Khan, Asala, Enterprise passenger153
Kimberley Pastoral Company221–222
Kimberley region, Western Australia
beef cattle industry50–51, 274–278
pioneering families51
shown on map51
size of properties51
wool industry50–51
King George V175
King Sound, Western Australia46–47
Kingsmill, Walter95
Knight, Rupert Leonard Tower (Len)134–135
Komura, steamship213
Kooki, pearling cutter244
Aboriginal repatriations31, 49, 53, 111–112
and the roseate pearl305, 322, 324–325
and Waratah, parallels59–60
and Yongala, parallels239, 248
at Broome134–135
at Port Hedland, March 19th, 1912324
captain’s cabin208
cattlemen’s quarters218–219, 224
choice of name11
choice of shipbuilder11
considered unlucky58
deck games16–17
deck structure6
difficulties, Geraldton57
difficulties, Port Hedland177–182
discovery of wreckage195, 199–204
distress message, possibility of187, 192–193
draft at Port Hedland246–247
dry-docked, July-August 191172
dry-docked, June-July 190958
electrical appliances4–6, 48–49
engagement with Nor’-West ports267, 274–275
engineers’ cabins208–210
final departure, March 20th, 1912179–182, 243–248
firemen’s quarters211–213
firemen’s strike, November 1911113–120, 178, 210–211, 213, 217, 279
first arrival, Geraldton13
first arrival, Onslow32–34
first arrival, Port Hedland39
first departure for the Nor’-West12
first impressions of1–6
fodder fire, January 191170
Gantheaume Point incident, April 190955–56, 58
identifying the missing, 1912207
inquiry finding242
inquiry into disappearance of235–250
insurance settlement282–283
management of water ballast177–179, 182–184, 236–237, 246
Marconi wireless apparatus72, 84, 192–193
news of disaster200–204
officers’ cabins208
prisoners, March 20th, 1912230
railway iron as ballast238–239
replacement, question of261, 283
shallow draft11
Shark Bay grounding, March 190913–24, 55
shearers lost with ship224–226
social debut56
social hall15–16
speculation regarding fate of191–194, 203–204, 242, 250
squall, Depuch Island, February 191066, 238–239
stability11, 65–66, 237–239, 242, 249–250
stewards’ quarters214–217
storm, Wyndham, February 191171
superiority to competition39
the case for building7–10
tides and schedule177–178
tribute to those lost207–230
wool fire, October 191068–69
Kurnalpi, steamship114
Kwinana (formerly Darius), steamship279–280, 282
Kyarra, steamship114
La Grange Bay, Western Australia96
La Pellegrina, famous pearl313
Lacepede Islands, Western Australia191, 194
shown on map185
Lagrange Baysee La Grange Bay
Lang, Andrew, English anthropologist94
Largo Law, steamship57
Laurentic, White Star liner82
Laverton, Western Australia107
Law of Stormssee storms at sea
Lawrence, George H.225
Legendre Island, Western Australia70
Leichhardt, Sydney suburb217
Lenihan, Harriet Patricia31, 46, 49–50, 53, 103, 106, 111–112
Levins, James (“Nish”)214, 217
Levins, Mary217
Lewis, William (Bill)225
Ley, William Clement146
promised or planned12
shipmasters’ consensus, 1906196–197
Lilly, Carl308
Lily of the Lake, schooner123
‘Liveringa team’see Koombana/shearers lost with ship
Liverpool212, 214–215, 218–219
Llanelly, Victoria226
Lloyd Italiano Line75
‘lock hospitals’see Aborigines, Australian/isolation hospitals
Crippen murder case82–84
interest in Johnson-Jeffries fight80
Koombana crew211–213, 215, 218
pearl shell trading271, 273–274, 292
recruitment of white divers270
Low, James Galloway (Jim)
at Shark Bay, March 190916, 18, 21–22
first impression of Derby48
impressions of Broome44–45
McDonald & Low, Broome engineers302
on Broome’s “white experiment”272–273
on cyclones135
on death of William Webber271–272
on Gantheaume Point incident56, 58
on loss of Koombana302
on Nor’-Westers and Koombana48–49
on Shark Bay ‘pogey’26
on Shark Bay society27
on transport of prisoners100–101
positive impression of Nor’-West life53
lunar cycle178
lynching, threats of256
Lyon, Harry A.210
McAuley family52
McCallum, Leonard, private investigator299–300
McDermott, Delia211
McDermott, T., Koombana fireman212–213
McDonald, Charles62
McDonald, Hugh158
McDonald, Jock
chief engineer, Koombana15
McDonald & Low, Broome engineers302
opinion of Koombana192
singing voice15
McDonnell, Thomas214
McDougall, chief engineer of Cuzco167
Macedonia, P. & O. liner76, 81
McFarlane, Melbourne solicitor302–303
McGovern, Evelyn227
McGowan, Frank224
McGuckin, J., Koombana crewman214
McIntosh, Hugh Donald79–80
McKay, Hugh Victor115
McKay, Samuel107
“McKenzie’s fever mixture”52
McKibbin, William J.224
McLhennan, pearling lugger188
McNab, Duncan, pioneer missionary91
Macnab, John138–139, 146, 193–194
McRouble, A., Koombana passenger221
McSwain, Donald224
MacWhirr, Conrad’s fictional shipmaster146–147
Maggie Gollan, schooner131–132
Maginnis, Edward P. (Eddie)
Balla Balla wharfinger151–152
life and career158
mandolin playing15
second officer, Koombana15, 158
Maginnis, Ellen158
Maginnis, Maude158
Main, Robert William228–229
Male, Archie45
Mangan, John Joseph (Jack)211
Mangan, Maggie211
Mangan, Minnie211
Mangrove Islands, Western Australia125
Marble Bar, Western Australia267
Marconi, Guglielmo73
Marere, steamship60–61
Margaret Downs Station222–223, 275
Marion Island65
Marloo, steamship171–174, 211, 215
Marmion, sailing ship139–140
Marmion, William165
Marquez, Pablo306, 309–312, 317–319
Martin, G. Frederick (Fred)226
Martin, Jack53
Mary Ann Passage, Western Australia196
Mary Ann Patch, Western Australia124–125
Mathews, Robert Hamilton94
Matthews, Charles (Charlie)224
Maxfield, G. T.2
Maximilian III, Archduke of Austria287
Meagher, J., Cossack132
Meda Pass, Western Australia
shown on map47
Meda Station222
Meeinderry, small coastal steamer169–170
Meekatharra, Western Australia110
Melbourne Hebrew School288
Melbourne Steamship Company227
Court of Conciliation and Arbitration116, 118–119
false report, Waratah sighted62
headquarters of Seamen’s Union119–120
Koombana crew213
Spencer Street railway station78
third search for Waratah63–64
Meldrum, Charles146
Memorie Storiche dell’ Australia (Salvado)94
Mercury, Port Adelaide mailboat174
Merry, Walter69
Middlesbrough, England176, 215
Mills, Captain Andrew189, 194, 196–197, 201–202
Mills, Captain Arthur308
Milne, William Patrick226, 302
Minderoo Station249
Minderoo, steamship
role in Koombana search189, 194, 196, 201–203
discovery of Koombana wreckage201–202
popularity after Koombana284
deportation of Joseph Seleno260
Minilya River, Western Australia262
“Missie”see Lenihan, Harriet
Mist, derelict schooner309–310
Moa, pearling lugger293
Moira, cattle steamer189, 191, 194
Monkey Mia, Western Australia128
Montebello Islands, Western Australia189, 191, 194, 196, 258
Montrose, Canadian Pacific liner82–83
Moore Islandsee East Moore Island
Moore, Captain, Insizwa62
Moore, Doug51–52, 66, 227, 238–239
Moore, George Fletcher94
Moore, Newton45
Morberg, Captain of Glenbank70
Mort’s Dock, Sydney Harbour72
Moss, Matthew Lewis, barrister
Marloo inquest, 1897173–174
Koombana inquiry, 1912235–242, 248
Mount Blaze, Western Australia126, 244
Mount Magnet, Western Australia107
Moxon, William E.1–2, 7, 12, 56–57, 69, 114, 120, 189–190
Mozel, pearling lugger293
Muiron Islands, Western Australia31, 137
shown on map33
Mulholland, Koombana wireless operator84
Murchison goldfields93
Murchison River, Western Australia226, 276
murder trial, Rex v. Seleno & Cappelli, 1912257–259
Murdoch, Captain John167–168
Murphy, John (Jack), Koombana passenger227
Murphy, John, Carnarvon Hotel manager263
Murphy, Leah (née Asher)227
Murphy, Matthew255
Nabos (or Naboo), Victor306–308
Nagga Nitsia, Clara crew member159
Namban, schooner49
Napier Downs Station78, 224, 275
Aboriginalsee Aborigines, Australian
Chinese26–27, 42, 64, 103, 187, 192–193, 294, 296
English214–215, 218–221, 223–224, 226, 228
Japanese46, 103, 132, 159, 266, 294, 296
Koepanger (Timorese)266
Malay34, 123, 159, 162, 221, 230, 266
Naturaliste Channel, Western Australia
shown on map29
Nautical Magazine145
Neave, Ethel “Le Neve”82–84
Nelson, H.M.V.S.169
New Moon, pearling lugger308
Newcastle, New South Wales177
Daily News (Perth, WA)1–2, 57, 81
Dampier Despatch (Broome, WA)308
Evening Mail (Fremantle, WA)7
Geraldton Guardian13
L’Aurore (The Dawn), French magazine289–290
Los Angeles Times80
Northern Public Opinion142
Perth Gazette and West Australian Times122
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA)251–252, 257
The Argus (Melbourne)85–86, 169, 288, 300–301
The Hedland Advocate3, 39–44, 117–118, 241–243, 245–248, 250, 294–295
The New York Times75
The Northern Times (Carnarvon, WA)69–70, 104, 162, 201, 203–204, 241, 263–265, 271
The Register (Adelaide, SA)73–74
The Sun (Sydney)306
The Sunday Times (Perth, WA)121, 193–194, 201, 229, 242, 247, 270–271, 277–278
The Sydney Morning Herald61, 176, 316–317
The West Australian26–27, 29, 36, 49–50, 76–77, 101–102, 106–107, 110–111, 113, 123–124, 160, 193–195, 227, 259–260, 272, 276, 279–280, 287, 309–311
The Western Australian Catholic Record93
The Western Mail (Perth, WA)93, 106, 160–162, 215, 312–313, 316
Newton, Hall, English sailor, Crown of England156
Nickol Bay Settlementsee North-West Settlement
Ninety Mile Beachsee Eighty Mile Beach
Nishioka, Y.321
Nor’-West life
deceptive wealth9–10
rapid progress9
Nor’-West mail contract10, 249
Nor’-West Mercantile Company132
Nor’-West shipping
scarcity of fresh water190
Norlin, Carl212–213
Norman, Hugh D., Broome mayor189
Normanton, Queensland221
North Shields, England214
North West Cape, Western Australia31–32, 137, 179
shown on map33
North-West Settlement, Western Australia34–35
Northam, Western Australia225
Northern Monarch, full-rigged iron ship166
Nullagine, Western Australia267
Ocean Steam Ship Companysee Blue Funnel Line
Odman, Captain Olaf137, 142–143, 146
Offord, Henry212–213
O’Halloran, Reverend318
‘Old Bailey’, London criminal court84
Olmsted, Denison143
O’Loughlin, Thomas212
Olsen, Captain Martin153–154, 156
Olsen, Louis107
Olsen, O., Koombana fireman212–213
One Arm Point, Western Australia
shown on map47
Onslow, Western Australia
cyclone, February 1893127
approach to137
Ashburton Roads258
cyclone, April 190933–34
description of33
exposed anchorage137
jetty at Beadon Point264–265
lack of port facilities263–265
Mechanics’ Institute33
Peake’s Temperance Hotel33
relocation of264–265
Rob Roy Hotel33
shown on map33
uncertain future32
opal mining292
Ophir, royal yacht174–175
optical illusion14
Ord River Station51
Ord River, Western Australia
shown on map51
Orient Line76–77
Orissa famine, Bengal121
Orontes, Orient liner12
Orotava, Orient liner78
Oruba, Orient liner176
Otranto, Orient liner76–78, 81, 84
Overall, Mary (née Scougall)225–226
Owen, Captain of Sabine63
Padbury, Walter34–35
Pandora, H.M.S., cruiser61
Pappastatis, Nicholas153
Pardoo Station244
Parkes, Captain F. L.235
Paroo, steamship193, 197, 210, 245, 257–258, 299, 302
Paton, Mr & Mrs, at Condon129–130
Patrick, Reverend William240, 245
Peacock, F. S., Koombana officer208
Pearl Pass, Western Australia
shown on map47
Pearl, schooner36
pearling industry
advent of diving dress125–126
and White Australia policy294–295, 297
conditions on luggers272–273
diving fatalities271–272, 295, 297
indentured foreign labour295–296
market for shell271
pearl trading301
profitability27, 45–46, 292, 294
Roebuck Bay36
Shark Bay25–28
appraisal of value313–315
art of pearl cleaning307, 320–325
colour and ‘orient’314
fickleness of market314–315
hierarchy based on shape313–314
largest ever found312–313
profitability of trading315
‘snide’ dealing306, 311–312, 323–324
units of size and weight313
Pearson, Captain William Robin227, 245, 274
Pearson, R. Koombana passenger223
Penguin Deeps, Western Australia
shown on map51
Penguin Island, southern Indian Ocean65
Penguin, government steamer188–189
Penola, South Australia208, 218
Pentonville Prison, London84
Persic, White Star liner76
Phillips, Roy53
Phillipstein, Muriel (“Min”)298
Phillipstein, Reverend Phillip297–298
Picquart, Lieutenant Colonel289
Piddington, Henry146
Pigott, Jane (née Skamp)219, 227–228
Pigott, Stanley Pash273
Pigott, Sydney Capel194, 219, 273, 302
Pilbara railway10, 37, 39–40, 42
Pilbarra, steamship72
Pill, Somerset227
Pinctada albina (Shark Bay pearl oyster)25
Pingelly, Western Australia223
Piper, Alfred Charles (Ally)222, 274
Pitchford, Mr, of Carnarvon31
Pitsikas, John156
Point Samson, Western Australia
jetty planned and built36
tramway to Roebourne37, 265–267
first auction of town land38–39
jetty damage predicted38
jetty damage, March 1912163, 259, 265–267
repair of Bullarra, March 1912190
Point Torment, Western Australia47–48
Poondina, Western Australia269
Poor, William223
Pope Leo XIII115
Port Adelaide59, 166, 208, 211
Port Darwinsee Darwin
Port Hedland, Western Australia
cyclone, March 1912163
description of40
drought 1911–14267–269
engagement with Koombana267
first arrival of Koombana39
Koombana inquiry235, 237, 240–248
news of Koombana disaster200–202
Pilbara railway10, 66, 238–239, 267
school strike, March 1914268
water depth indication181
Port Pirie, South Australia177
Portland, Victoria168
Possession Island65
Potts Point, Sydney301
Premier of Western Australia
1890–1901see Forrest, John
1904–1905see Daglish, Henry
1906–1910see Moore, Newton
1911–1916see Scaddan, John
Price, Florence Lucy (Florrie)228–229
Prince Edward Island65
Princess Mary, pearling lugger293
Protectionist Party115
Purcell, W. W.222
Purkiss, William Morton317
Pyramid Hill, Victoria223
Queen Victoria27
Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 190195
Quinlan, Richard C.225
Quinlan, Thomas A.225
Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred106–111
Ralston’s Stability & Trim Indicator237
Rankin, Captain James237–238
Ranson, Captain Joseph Barlow75
Rantzau, Captain T. Brandt204
Rea, Harry A.213
Redfield, William143–144
Reece, T., shearer aboard Koombana225
Rees, Captain John
exchange of ships with Tom Allen72, 177
Koombana grounding, Shark Bay, 190913–24
Koombana incidents 1909–1155–58, 66, 68–70, 72, 238–239
master of Koombana, 1909–1112, 13–24
Reid, William144–146
Rennes, Brittany, France291
Reno, Nevada80
Republic, White Star liner74–75
Reuters news agency75
Reynolds, Stanley Warwick217
Richardson, Captain E.193–194, 197, 210, 257–258
Ritchie Reefsee Tryall Rocks
Riverina, steamship120
‘roaring forties’, winds166–167
Rob Roy, coastal steamer249
Robison & Norman, Broome merchants273
Rockingham, Western Australia165
Rodriquez, Filomeno (“Pat”)90
Roebourne, Western Australia
shown on map33
devastating cyclone, March 1872121–123
cyclone precautions124
arrival of Bin Ahmat, March 1912162
trial of Seleno and Cappelli163, 257–259
shown on map185
Roebuck Bay, Western Australia36, 44, 125
Rogers, Tom, of Cossack314
Romans, George Henry (“Vindex”), journalist
on Nor’-West pioneers28
flood-prone Carnarvon29
North West Cape sea change31–32
early history of Nor’-West ports32
description of Onslow33
decline of Roebourne37
vulnerability of Point Samson jetty38
observations of Port Hedland39–40
first impression of Broome44
tidal races of Kimberley coast47
first impression of Derby48
fertility and prosperity of Derby49–50
seasonal migration of population52–53
on ‘the native question’101–102
at the ‘lock hospitals’104–106
Ronan, Denis James (Jim)78–79, 224, 274
Ronan, Julia78
Ronan, Thomas Matthew (Tom)47–48, 78–79, 274–275
Rose, cutter131–132
Rose, pearling lugger308
roseate pearl
discovery of306–307
descriptions of307
murder of Mark Liebglid306, 309–310
execution of Hagen, Espada and Marquez318–319
deaths linked to319–320
lost with Koombana?324
“Rosie”, Aboriginal patient, Bernier Island105
Rouse, A., Cossack131
Rowley Shoals, Western Australia127, 184, 188, 191
royal commissions
condition of Aborigines, 1904-595–99
conduct of pearling industry, 1912–16269–270, 273–274
management of State Steamship Service, 1913280–281
meat supply, 1908276
Royal Institution73
royal visit, 1900174–175
Rubin, Mark133, 291–293, 297, 302–303, 315, 322
Ruby, pearling cutter36
Rushcutter Bay, Sydney79
Russell, Father, Broome Catholic priest309
Sabine, steamship63
Sable Island, Western Australia
shown on map150
Sack family51
Sack, Louise Caroline227–228, 274
Sailor’s Horn-Book... (Piddington)146
Saladin, steamship128–129
Salkilld, Arthur Thomas216–217
Salter, Elizabeth94
Salvado, Bishop94
Samson, Michael34
Samson’s Pointsee Point Samson
Sandover & Company129
Sandstone, Western Australia107–108
Sargood’s, Melbourne firm301
“Saul the Jew”see Katzenellenbogen, Saul
Saunders, A. T.268
Saunders, Alfred244
Sawyer, Claude61
Scaddan, John
elected Premier, 1911264
Koombana search188–189, 195–196
Koombana inquiry240
Aboriginal labour restrictions275
rising State debt267–268
beef freezing works, Wyndham277–278
Scanlon, Hugh159
Scanlon, James159
Scanlon, Michael J.159
public respect for146
Scordese, John153
Scougall, Robert225–226
seal hunting77
Sealby, Captain William Inman74–75
secession, talk of275
Seleno, Joseph252–260
Semaphore, South Australia208
Sept-fons, French monastery89
Seymour, Lieutenant63
Shark Bay, Western Australia
desolation of25
cyclone, February 1839121
eviction of Chinese, 188627
cyclone, February 1893128
Koombana grounding, March 190913–24, 39, 55, 57–58, 69
pearling association26–27
no deepwater jetty324
shown on map29
Shelmerdine, Dr Joseph Caton255–258
Shepherd, Jack126–127
Shi Raata, Clara crew member159
Shiels, Andrew (Andy)225
ship design
anxiety regarding249–250
innovative Echunga176
stability principles237–238
Sholl, Robert122–123
Siasconset, Nantucket Island74–75
Siebe Gorman & Company220–221, 270–271, 302
Sigismund III Vasa, of Sweden287–288
Simpson, Amelia227
Simpson, George Nicolas226–227, 302
Singapore41, 46, 50, 187, 275, 279, 295
Skamp, Alice Beatrice219–220
Skamp, Genevieve Callanan (Jennie)220
Slade, S. H.224
Slavin, James151
Sleeman, H. R.158
Smith, Benjamin (Ben)229
Smith, H., Koombana steward215
Smith, Jack, Koombana fireman211–212
Smith, manager, Charles Moore & Company31
Smith, Patrick224
Smith, William (Will), nephew of Jim Ronan224, 274–275
Smith, William, Koombana passage worker225
Smuggler, pearling lugger127
Solitary Island, Western Australia244
Solitary Islands, New South Wales213
song: “I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now?”162
Sorata, sail-and-steam liner169
South Africa
support for third Waratah search63
South Australian, steamship128–129
Spencer, Sydney226
Spencer, Walter Baldwin106
Springfield, Victoria227
Sree Pas Sair, schooner89, 91, 127
St Elmo’s Fire, electrical phenomenon165
St Lawrence River82
Stanley, Charles Herbert (Charlie)213
Stanley, Herbert Bertie (Bert)217–218
State Steamship Service, Western Australia
petitions for278–279
first vessels279
government objective281–282
early difficulties279–281
financial position279–281
royal commission into280–281
stateroom doorsee Gorgon, steamship/discovery of Koombana wreckage
Steady, lighter149–155
Steep Point, Western Australia
shown on map29
Stewart, Sidney Graham213
Stirling, Scotland214
storm centre or ‘eye’
Spanish El ojo139
stillness within138
sea conditions within138–139, 161–162
birds trapped within140–141
appearance of sky139–140
appearance of ‘eye wall’140
dangerous exit from140
storms at sea
Black Nymph, South China Sea, 1842145
Marmion, U.S. Atlantic coast, 1849139–140
Schah Jehan, Cape Northumberland, 1862165
Nan-Shan (fictional), South China Sea139–140
S.S. Albany, Western Australia, 1897137–142
S.S. Albany, Western Australia, 1898142
S.S. Albany, Western Australia, 1899142–143
Bullarra, Western Australia, March 1912160–162
Board of Trade examinations146
distraction from peril141, 162
evasive strategy144
John Macnab’s ‘catechism’146, 193–194
metaphor of nature’s fury140–141
Redfield’s theory143
Reid’s storm strategy144–146
steaming to anchors161
stokehold and engine room141–142, 162
the Law of Storms143–146
use of oil to pacify sea161
Straits Steamship Company208
Streaky Bay, South Australia67
Strickland, Sir Gerald107
Stuart, Captain Charles Browne221, 302
Stud Station52
Success, Shark Bay lighter14–15, 22
Sudholz, Walter279–281
Suez Canal76
Sultan, steamship197
Sunday Island, Western Australia
shown on map47
Sunday Strait, Western Australia46
shown on map47
Sunshine Harvester Company115
Suva, steamship114
Swan Island, Western Australia
shown on map47
Swansea, England215
Tagalog, Filipino dialect311, 318–319
Taiping Rebellion, China121
Tanna, New Hebrides67
Taylor, A. S.223
Taylor, George95
Taylor, Thomas212
Teetulpa, South Australia170
Tekapo, steamship171
Telefunken (wireless telegraphy company)85
Termonfeckin, Drogheda, Ireland214, 217
The Shark, schooner109
“the Una location”204
Thompson, A. S., Cossack132
Thompson, Robert McGregor151–152, 156
Thornton, Walter Clifford225
tidal wavesee cyclones/storm surge
spring and neap tides11, 19, 177–178
tidal races47
at Condon43
at Broome44
at Derby48
Tien Tsin Harbour, Western Australia34–35
Tien Tsin, barque34
Timmins, Isaac, Enterprise passenger153
Tindale, Edward264–265
Toniko Toko, pearling lugger308, 311–312
Townley, Captain Peter187, 191–193, 197, 200
Townsville, Queensland71
Roebourne-Samson-Cossack37–38, 265–267
Trans-Australian Railway93
tropical agriculture92, 261–262
Truscott, Tom173–174
Tryall Rocks, Western Australia196
Tuckanarra, Western Australia223
Turin, Italy259
Turkey Creek, Western Australia52
Turner, Charles150–158
Turtle Islands, Western Australia243
Tutt, Walter218
Twelve Apostles, southern Indian Ocean65
Tyler, Captain of Komura213
Typhoon, novel by Joseph Conrad139–140, 146–147
Tyson, James S.222
Ulbricht, Gustav307–308
Una, small coastal steamer195, 204, 264
Union Cold Storage Company277
Union-Castle Line59, 63, 214–215
Unmack, Frank G., solicitor113
Upjohn, Captain Harry160–161, 190, 202–203, 205, 236–237, 239–240, 243, 247–248
Uranie, French corvette25
Vallianos, master of Enterprise152–153
Vasey, Maurice226
Verulam, old ‘clipper’ ship170
Vile, William E. (Billy)224
“Vindex”see Romans, George Henry
Voladora, pearling lugger244
Wagin, Western Australia225, 227
Waikato, steamship63
Wakefield, steamship63–65
Walker, Charles Gilbert Shaw (Charlie)218
Wallal, Western Australia307
Wallaroo, South Australia170
war, outbreak of273–274
Waratah, Blue Anchor liner
and Koombana, parallels59–60
search by Royal Navy cruisers61
false report of sighting62
search by Sabine63
search by Wakefield63–65
message-in-a-bottle hoaxes66–67
Board of Trade inquiry, London69, 71
inquiry finding71
Ward, Captain J. L.194
Wardlaw, Edward215
Warton, Michael S., Broome magistrate309
Wassell, Albert209
Water Lily, pearling cutter36
Watson, Elliot Grant107–110
Webber, William271–272
Webster, chief warder, Fremantle Gaol319
Weir, Captain Alexander59
Weld, Sir Frederick Aloysius35
Wentworth Hotel, Sydney301
West Moore Island, Western Australia
shown on map150
“West Pilbarra”, district36
Western Australia (formerly Mongolia), steamship279
Westport, New Zealand64
Whim Creek, Western Australia
miner’s strike, 1911251–252
cultural issues251
Federal Hotel affray, December 1911149, 253–256, 258
Whim Creek Hotel253–254
police station256
funeral, Thomas Darlington257
Whim Well Copper Mining Company149, 158, 251–252, 259
white antssee termites
White Australia policy39–42, 74, 266–267, 270–274
dictation test for ‘undesirables’260
White Cliffs, New South Wales292
White Rose of York175
White, Robert J.188
Wild Wave, schooner123
Williams, Kate (a.k.a. “Vulcana”)83
Williamstown, Victoria168–169
Wilson, Constable John96–98
Wilson, Fred, Koombana crewman214
Wilson, H., Cossack132
Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria67
Winpenny, F. J. (Joe)215
Winsloe, Commodore Alfred L.175
wireless telegraphy
as scientific wonder73, 76, 85–86
spectacular rise of73–86
Republic rescue, 190974–75
CQD distress message74
‘Wireless Ship Act’, USA, 191075, 84
progress in Australia76, 84–85
Johnson-Jeffries fight, 191080–81
arrest of Hawley Crippen, 191082–84
Marconi company73, 76–77, 84–85
British ‘Parker Judgment’85
Marconi v. Australian Government85
Amalgamated Wireless Australasia85
Koombana’s Marconi installation84, 192–193
Wood, Major, Resident Magistrate, Broome189
Woodlupine, Western Australia214, 225
wool industry28, 50–51, 263–264, 283
Woolbeck, George126–127
Wooramel River, Western Australia262–263
Worbey, Annie218
Workington, England149
Wraxall, Somerset226
Wright, Mrs, of Geraldton225
Wyndham, Western Australia
beef processing facility276–278
cattle port191
description of50
effect of Koombana strike, 1911179
nearness to Asia50
‘night life’51
shown on map51
summer storm, February 191171
terminus port72
voyage from Derby50
Yalobia, Western Australia263
Yama Cooa, Clara crew member159
Yaringa, Western Australia263
Yates, Captain J. W. W.235
Yee Ah Chun, of Broome308
Yongala, steamship
former members of crew158, 208
Marconi apparatus ordered84
disappearance of71, 179, 239, 248–250
wreckage found71
inquiry into loss of248
Yorkshire, England215
Youanmi, Western Australia229
youth wage118
Zola, Émile, French writer290–291