Agnes, schooner123
Albany, steamship
conversion from Claud Hamilton, 1885141
narrow escape, 1897137142
narrow escape, 1898142
narrow escape, 1899142143
Alert, tug71
Allinga, steamship283285
Alto, topsail schooner307308
Amy, schooner36
Arafura, pearling lugger221
Assam, steamship169
Aurora, pearling lugger244
Australind, steamship127
Baltic, White Star liner75
Beagle, steamship131132
Bell, sailing ship221
Black Nymph, sailing ship145
Britannia, pearling lugger159, 163
Bullarra, steamship
arrival in Western Australia, 1900146
at Port Hedland, March 20th, 1912179182
discovery of Koombana wreckage203
Nor-West service 191315284285
replaced by Koombana7
role in Koombana search190, 195196, 202203
storm at sea, March 1912160162, 187, 190, 239240, 258259
stranded by tide at Broome45
transport of Aboriginal prisoners42
Buninyong, steamship171
Burrumbeet, steamship57
Charon, steamship41, 65, 268, 300
City of Benares, ship166
City of Madras, ship166
City of Ningpo, ship166
Clan McIntyre, steamship59
Clara, pearling lugger159
Claud Hamilton, sail-rigged steamship141
Cleopatra, pearling lugger307308
Concordia, iron barque149, 152, 155156
Constance, pearling lugger187
Contest, barque165
Coorong, steamship174
Crown of England, iron barque
brief history149
destruction of, March 1912152155
burial of the dead158
survival of Martin Olsen154
survival of Matthias Holst154
Croydon, steamship131
Cuzco, barque-rigged passenger steamer166169
Dona Matilda, pearling lugger244
Echunga, cargo steamship176177, 209
Elsie, pearling lugger244
Emma, schooner121
Encounter, H.M.S.213
Enterprise, schooner153
Eos, pearling lugger221
Ethel, schooner124
Eurus, pearling lugger271
Experience, pearling lugger293
Ferret, steamship215
Flinders, steamship128129
Florence Hadley Harvey, cutter127
Florida, Lloyd Italiano liner75
Florizel, seal-hunting steamer77
Forte, H.M.S., cruiser61
Gem, small steamer169
Glenbank, iron barque7071, 160
Gorgon, steamship
role in Koombana search187, 189, 191, 199203
discovery of Koombana wreckage199201, 267
popularity after Koombana284
Gothic, Aberdeen liner214
Grantala, steamship11, 84, 158, 208
Guelph, Union-Castle liner59
Insizwa, Hall-Russell liner6263, 69
Jessie, schooner126127
Junee, cattle steamer176, 212, 214
Kalander Bux, schooner133
Kanowna, steamship299
Karrakatta, pearling lugger159, 163
Karrakatta, steamship89
Kate, pearling lugger124125
Komura, steamship213
Kooki, pearling cutter244
Aboriginal repatriations31, 49, 53, 111112
and the roseate pearl305, 322, 324325
and Waratah, parallels5960
and Yongala, parallels239, 248
at Broome134135
at Port Hedland, March 19th, 1912324
captains cabin208
cattlemens quarters218219, 224
choice of name11
choice of shipbuilder11
considered unlucky58
deck games1617
deck structure6
difficulties, Geraldton57
difficulties, Port Hedland177182
discovery of wreckage195, 199204
distress message, possibility of187, 192193
draft at Port Hedland246247
dry-docked, July-August 191172
dry-docked, June-July 190958
electrical appliances46, 4849
engagement with Nor-West ports267, 274275
engineers cabins208210
final departure, March 20th, 1912179182, 243248
firemens quarters211213
firemens strike, November 1911113120, 178, 210211, 213, 217, 279
first arrival, Geraldton13
first arrival, Onslow3234
first arrival, Port Hedland39
first departure for the Nor-West12
first impressions of16
fodder fire, January 191170
Gantheaume Point incident, April 19095556, 58
identifying the missing, 1912207
inquiry finding242
inquiry into disappearance of235250
insurance settlement282283
management of water ballast177179, 182184, 236237, 246
Marconi wireless apparatus72, 84, 192193
news of disaster200204
officers cabins208
prisoners, March 20th, 1912230
railway iron as ballast238239
replacement, question of261, 283
shallow draft11
Shark Bay grounding, March 19091324, 55
shearers lost with ship224226
social debut56
social hall1516
speculation regarding fate of191194, 203204, 242, 250
squall, Depuch Island, February 191066, 238239
stability11, 6566, 237239, 242, 249250
stewards quarters214217
storm, Wyndham, February 191171
superiority to competition39
the case for building710
tides and schedule177178
tribute to those lost207230
wool fire, October 19106869
Kurnalpi, steamship114
Kwinana (formerly Darius), steamship279280, 282
Kyarra, steamship114
Largo Law, steamship57
Laurentic, White Star liner82
Lily of the Lake, schooner123
Macedonia, P. & O. liner76, 81
McLhennan, pearling lugger188
Maggie Gollan, schooner131132
Marere, steamship6061
Marloo, steamship171174, 211, 215
Marmion, sailing ship139140
Meeinderry, small coastal steamer169170
Mercury, Port Adelaide mailboat174
Minderoo, steamship
role in Koombana search189, 194, 196, 201203
discovery of Koombana wreckage201202
popularity after Koombana284
deportation of Joseph Seleno260
Mist, derelict schooner309310
Moa, pearling lugger293
Moira, cattle steamer189, 191, 194
Montrose, Canadian Pacific liner8283
Moore Islandsee
East Moore Island
Mozel, pearling lugger293
Namban, schooner49
Nelson, H.M.V.S.169
New Moon, pearling lugger308
Northern Monarch, full-rigged iron ship166
Ophir, royal yacht174175
Orontes, Orient liner12
Orotava, Orient liner78
Oruba, Orient liner176
Otranto, Orient liner7678, 81, 84
Pandora, H.M.S., cruiser61
Paroo, steamship193, 197, 210, 245, 257258, 299, 302
Pearl, schooner36
Penguin, government steamer188189
Persic, White Star liner76
Pilbarra, steamship72
Princess Mary, pearling lugger293
Republic, White Star liner7475
Riverina, steamship120
Rob Roy, coastal steamer249
Rose, cutter131132
Rose, pearling lugger308
Ruby, pearling cutter36
Sabine, steamship63
Saladin, steamship128129
Smuggler, pearling lugger127
Sorata, sail-and-steam liner169
South Australian, steamship128129
Sree Pas Sair, schooner89, 91, 127
Steady, lighter149155
Success, Shark Bay lighter1415, 22
Sultan, steamship197
Suva, steamship114
Tekapo, steamship171
The Shark, schooner109
Tien Tsin, barque34
Toniko Toko, pearling lugger308, 311312
Una, small coastal steamer195, 204, 264
Uranie, French corvette25
Verulam, old clipper ship170
Voladora, pearling lugger244
Waikato, steamship63
Wakefield, steamship6365
Waratah, Blue Anchor liner
and Koombana, parallels5960
search by Royal Navy cruisers61
false report of sighting62
search by Sabine63
search by Wakefield6365
message-in-a-bottle hoaxes6667
Board of Trade inquiry, London69, 71
inquiry finding71
Water Lily, pearling cutter36
Western Australia (formerly Mongolia), steamship279
Wild Wave, schooner123
Yongala, steamship
former members of crew158, 208
Marconi apparatus ordered84
disappearance of71, 179, 239, 248250
wreckage found71
inquiry into loss of248